Physical Demands Analysis

Quantify the Job. Make Sustainable Change.

Before an ergonomic strategy can be created, we first need to analyze the physical demands of the job. The Physical Demands Analysis (PDA) is a comprehensive process that accurately and objectively identifies the physical requirements (material handling, body positions and movements, and work environment) of the essential functions of the job.

Not only is this process efficient in quantifying the essential functions of the job, but it also simultaneously reduces the physical capability needed for a position by presenting innovative solutions as a part of the analysis.

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The 3-step process

Step 1: Determine the force, repetition, and continuation of movements associated with the job, in addition to the body positions and movements required and the conditions of the surrounding environment

Step 2: Present solutions designed to reduce the physical demands required to perform all essential job functions of the job

Step 3: Implement solutions to reduce the potential of workplace injury and to improve workplace morale and productivity