Ergonomic Subscription

Year-Round Ergonomic Support for Less

Proper ergonomics isn’t just a one-and-done task you can pay attention to for a day and then check off your to-do list. It’s not enough to have an expert on site to point out glaring issues and then leave you to deal with them on your own.

Tasks change, new hires come on board, and the industry and your processes both evolve over time. Your ergonomic strategy needs to, as well.

Our subscription-based ergonomics delivers this ongoing support to businesses throughout the country.

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Long Term Ergonomic Success

The annual cost of an Ergonomic Subscription is approximately 1/3 the cost of a single ergonomic project, meaning you experience year-round, onsite, on-demand support for a fraction of the cost of a one-time solution.

The longer-term approach of our 12-month Ergonomic Subscription helps us get to know your organization and your workers so our solutions can truly work for you. Not only is the subscription format cost-effective, but it also promotes continued improvement of your ergonomics program and helps sustain system-wide initiatives in the long term – well beyond a simple “one-and-done” effort.

Build Your Ergonomic Solution