
We Align Our Goals with Yours…

“We were able to give our entire workforce a raise because of the money you helped us save on not only medical, indemnity, and reserve costs but also health insurance and work comp premiums…this program goes way beyond injury prevention into employee retention and well-being.”

~ Furniture Manufacturer CEO

Safety in the workplace is an evolving necessity — and it's now about so much more than instructional videos and first aid training. It's about getting ahead of injuries before they happen by cultivating a proactive, results-driven safety program focused on preventing your employees from becoming patients.

We achieve this by providing employers at more than 900 locations across the country with strategic, consistent support to ensure their workers can experience a safer, happier, and more productive professional life. From onsite early intervention and ergonomics to safety compliance and employee testing, our services are designed to help safety managers and specialists prevent injuries while creating a more productive environment for their workers.

Our culture is one of our key differentiators. Simply put, if we are able to continually foster a culture where each person is committed to growing and has the support and resources around them to do that, we win both personally and professionally. And our clients take notice, too! We’re extremely proud of the team we’ve created and are still growing, driven by the impact we can make on a day-to-day basis and by the opportunities present for both personal and professional growth.

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Industries We Work With

These are some of the industries in which businesses have seen a 50% reduction in injury costs as a result of our services:

• Warehousing & Distribution • Construction--All Types • Foodservice

• Mining • Garbage Hauling • Food Manufacturing • Food Processing

• Airlines • Delivery Drivers • New Manufacturing • Utilities/Telecom

• Grocery Distribution • Aerospace/Defense • Auto/Truck Manufacturing

• Pharmaceuticals • Foundries • Paper Industry

And more

A Company Built Around People


Making an Impact

It feels good to know that with our insurgent mission that not only are we impacting the lives of our clients and their employees by preventing injuries, we also give back to our communities and take care of our own, personally and professionally.


Personal/Professional Growth

We intentionally out-punch our weight here by combining evidence-based cultural and leadership training with the clinical education opportunities via a sister company Evidence in Motion The opportunities for personal and professional growth are nearly endless.


Growing…in Work and Life

Being a part of a growing team brings many opportunities as we work to create something special together. But we know that what we are striving for is so much bigger than what we can achieve by ourselves. We believe in balance and our employees know that a healthy, happy work environment brings better results—both on and off the job.

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