How does the process work?

WorkStrong has a simple, easy-to-use 7-step implementation process for all early intervention programs that walks each client through the process from start to finish. Our extensive experience removes all guesswork from the equation and ensures all stakeholders remain involved, aware, and informed throughout, helping achieve the smoothest possible implementation.

Our services are also scalable to multiple locations. Delivering consistent results across multiple sites and multiple years is a hallmark of the our process. Beyond just bringing our provider to the table in a location or two, getting it right every time takes experience and infrastructure — and we have a 20+ year history that can speak to both.

How often will we see you?

For onsite early intervention, our provider will be at your site weekly, interacting with your employees in a 100% preventative manner. We'll focus on the three leading indicators to injury during each visit: early soreness, ergonomics, and behaviors.

Where do these interactions take place?

Most onsite interactions take place in the field where we can function in a preventative manner as opposed to sitting back in an onsite clinic and waiting for the "walking wounded" to come in. Our approach is about preventing injuries before they happen — not reacting to them after the fact.

Is this a long-term contract?

Some clients prefer a longer-term contract, but that is not something we require. We are flexible and comfortable living on our results to build long-term relationships with clients.

Does this actually work?

Yes. You will see a 50% reduction in injuries and associated costs as a result of our services. Most programs are fully up-to-speed after 12-18 months with results beginning to emerge at the 6-month mark.

Considering many of our clients have been with us for more than 10 years without any binding contract, the history of results speaks for itself.

Won't this impact production?

We understand the sensitivity to unnecessary downtime and have designed our program to interact with your employees without any negative impact on production. In our 20-year history, we have yet to disrupt the productivity of a client.

Is an onsite provider available in our location?

Yes. We always say that if you can get 50 people to your place of business, there's no reason we can't get one person there. We have an internal team of professional recruiters dedicated to sourcing the best talent in the industry nationwide.

This is another area in which our renowned culture, clinical learning opportunities, and personal and professional development directly impact clients and act as talent attraction and retention advantages for us.